appeal success – Teversal

A development of only two dwellings, but the devil is always in the detail. The shared private driveway at Grange Close in Teversal (NG17 3JN) serves three dwellings. An application for it to serve another two was refused by Ashfield District Council, because of an objection by Nottinghamshire County Council. They were concerned that the driveway had restricted visibility and inadequate width to allow two vehicles to pass each other at the entrance, causing vehicles to wait on the main road (Pleasley Road). They concluded that this would lead to danger and create accidents.

The applicant appealed that decision, which we supported with highways advice. We analysed the specific local circumstances, looking at traffic volumes and speeds, achievable visibility, the accident record, and other matters. We concluded that while the geometries were below current standards, they would not create an unacceptable impact on highway safety. We are very pleased to report the Planning Inspector agreed (APP/W3005/W/20/3247780).

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